Follow the simple steps to calculate your patroll
The system imports all data needed for salary calculations, from attendance, leave, labor and health insurance to income tax, etc.
The attendance data is linked to the payroll system
The system automatically determines whether there are exceptions in attendance and whether a reward for perfect attendance is warranted.
Automatic settlement of overtime pay and annual leave
Has overtime pay computations taken much of your time? Have you ever forgotten to convert employees’ unused annual leave to cash? NUEIP will automatically review and calculate all this so you may rest easy.
Statutory payment management
Auto-calculate labor and health insurance premium, supplemental health insurance premium, income taxes, and rewards.
Two-factor authentication protects the data
Two passwords for the best authenticated protection of payroll and personal data.
Online payroll saves the environment
It just needs simple click to run payroll and generate payslips. Employees can check payslips on their mobiles.
Simple output income tax return
All files needed for tax can be generated with the press of a key. You can easily complete year-end taxes.